Exchange of good practices, sharing of competences in order to build capacity and develop audiences in Norway and Bulgaria

Objective: Present good practices "Mobilization, Participation and Empowerment",
Transmitting a concept of cultural entrepreneurship and carrying out bilateral international visits to exchange good practices and share of competencies

Description: Across Europe there is increasing emphasis on the importance of community participation in local governance, in the development of community cultural enterprises and in creating a better quality of life and social justice. This implies that the members of the community become active participants in all the processes being worked on. A green development university can help mobilize people to participate in bottom-up initiatives, empowering them to exercise some control over one or another aspect of their lives and the management of cultural heritage at local, regional, national and international levels. The transfer of experience, practice and competences involves a set of knowledge, tools and practices to inspire just such a phenomenon. That is why this program of good practice is called "Mobilization, Participation and Empowerment". This program contains ideas and tools learned from decades of work in community development and community capacity building across Europe. Partner sharing of good practice provides knowledge, practical tools and inspiration to those involved in bottom-up empowerment processes that require broader levels of participation. In this way, different ways of interacting with the mobilizing people are realized, as this is the first and key component of empowerment processes. In this process, the experts of the Ivan Vazov National Theater gain an understanding of both the personal and social processes that underlie cultural innovation and development, as well as the development process itself - knowledge directly related to the creation of their own innovative future participations.

The project partner University of Green Development is an experienced institution in the field of the concept of cultural entrepreneurship in the community. The University for Green Development has named this model - "See one - Do One - Teach One", where its experts will act as facilitators for the "Ivan Vazov" Technical University and will pass on their good practice. which is multiplied over time A final version of the cultural entrepreneurship implementation model at the local level is configured so that it can be applied according to local conditions and opportunities.

Expected result:

Realized presentation of good practices "Mobilization, participation and empowerment" Transferred concept of cultural entrepreneurship Realized bilateral international visits for exchange of good practices and sharing of competences.