The business plan is related to the improvement of entrepreneurship in the field of culture by developing and implementing plans to attract audiences in the field of theater arts, as well as to ensure the sustainability of the results of the project, and ensure its long-term benefits. The activity of developing an entrepreneurial plan for attracting an audience will be aimed at:

1. Studying the audiences - Marketing and sociological research of the desires, preferences and tastes of the audience in order to successfully engage the right audience for the created cultural product / cultural content in the current cultural environment; collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data on current and potential audiences, development of marketing strategies, etc.). The goal is thus to implement a successful strategy for audience development and attracting new audiences to the project.

2. Sustainable development of audiences by developing innovative mechanisms for attracting new audiences and increasing the quality of work of the Ivan Vazov NT Foundation through marketing and management tools; development of strategies and mechanisms for working with youth and children's audiences; developing interactive communication with the public and involving them in the activity of the theater; effective promotion of cultural products/services; development of methods and mechanisms for audience monitoring, through which to report trends and changes in the audience over time; expanding the spectrum of people participating in cultural events and consuming cultural products/services.

Within the framework of the plan, concrete measures will be developed and implemented to attract the public in order to ensure the sustainability of the project, such as: promoting the cultural events and cultural exhibits of the theater in traditional and social media; involving and engaging children and youth of different ages from different regions of the country and children from Norway as participants in online and in-person art studios and permanent as well as temporary exhibitions, as well as in the preparation of various events; removing the barriers between professionals and amateurs by conducting a joint theater production.

The plan will also emphasize the familiarization and promotion of Norway's cultural theater heritage, creating a sense among the target group of a common European cultural identity. The plan will be based on the possibility of using the potential of small theater groups in remote settlements, which have suitable conditions for presenting a cultural product, and whose teams enjoy authority among local communities. This will facilitate the general public's access to valuable cultural products. Good practices for engaging audiences in Norway will also be explored and will find a special place in the plan.

Expected Result: Developed and implemented entrepreneurial plan