Project BGCULTURE-1.001-0036-C01 International cultural cooperation for exhibiting the theatrical heritage is financed under Contract BGCULTURE-1.001-0036-C01/29.06.2022, adm. No. RA-14-Р1-1.1-РД-10/29.06.2022, Program RA 14 "Cultural Entrepreneurship, Heritage and Cooperation", financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Financial Mechanism of the EEA and Norway
Implementation period - 22 months 29.06.2022 - 28.04.2024
Budget - BGN 782,151.57, 100% of the grant
The main objective of the project proposal is social and economic development through cultural cooperation, cultural entrepreneurship and cultural heritage management in revitalized and restored exhibition areas in the theater. The project proposal contributes to the implementation of the program objectives and results:
- Management, protection and preservation of cultural heritage related to national, regional and local development;
- Accessibility of culture and cultural heritage;
- Entrepreneurship in the field of culture;
- Development of audiences, including the engagement of people in various cultural, informational and educational activities;
- International cultural cooperation/exchange thanks to the partner from Norway - The University College for Green Development.
The project proposal envisages the presentation of the rich cultural theater heritage of the Ivan Vazov National Theater in a revitalized and renovated space, as well as the restoration of exterior elements in order to attract audiences to the cultural monument of national importance with an emblematic building recognizable by every Bulgarian with the ongoing expert support and assistance from the partner - the Green Development University, Norway.
A new permanent exhibition with physical units of cultural heritage is planned with an innovative presentation through a special mobile application and the involvement of children and young people. The project proposal includes activities contributing to strengthening the role of culture and cultural heritage in local, regional development with an emphasis on employment, social inclusion and cultural entrepreneurship.
Attracting new audiences and expanding their reach is achieved through renewed spaces and new equipment, as well as thanks to the envisaged entrepreneurial plan, offering services for the general public, the children's audience, persons in a disadvantaged position, as well as a specialized audience. All activities will be carried out in close cooperation with the University for Green Development, Norway and with our long-standing partners - cultural institutions.
Indicators of achieved result:
Number of trained employees – 3
Number of organized new exhibitions – 1
Number of developed and implemented entrepreneurial plans – 1
Number of revitalized spaces at/in cultural heritage institutes – 2
Number of jobs created – 2
Annual number of visitors to supported heritage sites, museums and cultural activities – an increase of 50,000.