Organizing an exhibition with an innovative app, attracting a wide and specialized audience and making 3D souvenir models by children

Objective: To reach all stakeholders of the target group as quickly and efficiently as possible, as well as the wide audience of viewers

Description: With the implementation of this activity, all persons of the target group, as well as the wide audience of viewers, will be reached in the fastest and most effective way. An add-on application will be developed to the website of the "Ivan Vazov" National Theater with 360° panoramic tour. Stakeholders will have permanent access to the application and will be able to take a virtual tour of the theater 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Employing innovative techniques and methods, the virtual walk will have a strong impact on the end user.
During the exhibition, an additional effect will be achieved with 3D matching lighting, which makes the objects of presentation even more impressive.
The "Souvenir Workshop" will be created, which will be the place for gathering, inclusion, socialization of children from different schools, kindergartens, homes for children deprived of parental care and their "infusion" into the world of cultural heritage through their unique creations. Younger students will acquire knowledge about the art of theater on interactive excursions, trying to create sets, write scripts, play or learn about the history of theater at the permanent exhibition - "The Magical World of Theater".
High school students and university students will acquire knowledge that will significantly supplement the general education program. Visiting the exhibition hall and the workshop illuminates the works of the masters of the word, pushes the time frame, adds credibility to the words, and the authors themselves become closer and modern. Adults visiting the exposition hall and the permanent exhibition, during organized tours, will deepen their knowledge of literature, the dramaturgy of theatrical productions, will be able to get acquainted with the history of the creation and development of the theater, admire the sets, costumes, visit cultural events that are constantly taking place.

Expected result

Innovative application;

Increased reach of the target group;

Renovated workshop space;

Inclusion and active participation of children, youth and students in the activities;